Monday, May 15, 2006

Melody Gilliard's The Lack of Black Organ Donors (Posted by SunRoc)

Author Melody Gilliard
The Lack of Black Organ Donors
non fiction
Thesis "Decrease in the shortage of black organ donors and increase in the survival.
The book is very interesting, informative, and emotional and brought a tear to my eye. It also different cases where a life would depend on different types of transplants. the kidney dialasis was very scary, and sad knowing people must live like this. I was not aware that bone marrow is used for Leukemia patients, and you can also donate and still lead a healthy life.
How the book affected me:
As far as convincing me to become a donor...still on the fence. Although if there were a crisis and I was asked and it were only up to me, I would. But as quoted in the Author's book: "we shouldnt wait until we are in a crisis to make that decision" Which holds a lot of weight. I do think it did a nice job for convincing (even though I have my own issues with donating). Definately made me think more of the recipients point of view. What if I were the person who needed a transplant, or a loved one? Very grabbing conclusin "There are only 2 steps to save up to 50 lives."

Matters book leaves out: The book is a problem/solution case which was the assignment. I think some preventative steps included would be beneficial. Hyptertension is noted to be a major deadly illness among blacks. The causes are listed such as obesity, high sodium diet and family history. Instead of saying because of this the ultimate result is an organ transplant. Maybe talking about preventative measures to avoid a transplant (in some cases) would be helpful to people in need as well. For instance, obesity can be avoided, and high sodium diets can be altered. However more difficult issues may not be so simple to evaluate.

Possibilities are being able to donate blood, bone marrow, skin, tissue and parts of organs and still lead a healthy life. Chidren are in need of these transplants as well it is not just adults. So if a concern is not wanting to donate b/c an adult may neglect their health afterwards...children may be born sick or with defects and need transplants.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grammar Cops

Is this how you feel sometimes?

IFILM - Shorts: Grammar Cops

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Re/Viewing Griffin

Having read, theoretically reread, and discussed Griffin, why not return to her and respond to her writing "with fresh eyes"? This blog is kind of open as to your writing; the prompts are ideas, not point-by-point questions that require responses...
as always, you can also 'dialogue with' (comment upon) another's post if you wish.
  • One of the things that (as I mentioned in class) really moves me is that in reading "Our Secret," I see how people can truly believe that what they are doing is "right," or "moral," though to others the same actions are deemed atrocities. Did the text lead you to question something that is not necessarily overtly addressed in "Our Secret," yet leads you-- perhaps through your repertoires-- to connect, to question, to try to work through?
  • We had discussed what "problems" we think Griffin is working to solve through her writing. In some ways, the writing then becomes more difficult to access... or does it? Might this very visual text actually enhance understanding?
  • Try writing using Griffin's style. Identify a problem and develop symbolism to work through the topic. (I made an attempt at this... if you'd like, you can read it here.)
  • Imagine a conversation with Susan Griffin. You might want to create an interview and ask questions (and create her answers) or you might want to fashion a true conversation in which you both ask and answer questions, or simply exchange ideas.

Don't forget... post by 8 p.m. Sunday :-)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Considerations for Griffin

(These links may not work; if not, you'll have to access through consuls-> course reserves. If you have a slow 'net connection, you can download this reading in parts (you need to read all parts for Monday) Our Secret Part 1 Our Secret Part 2 Our Secret Part 3
Otherwise, here's the whole text: Our Secret

  • What are her themes/threads (not characters or people, but images or symbols)?
  • What is the significance of these themes?
  • What other images/themes/metaphors would work as well and how?
  • Although it’s easy to identify what “Our Secret” is "about," identifying purpose (thesis) might be a bit more difficult. What do you think is her thesis, and how would you support your claim?
  • Do you think that writing “Our Secret” more traditionally would be as effective? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think she writes in this manner? What can her writing style teach us about writing–academic writing specifically?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Prompts for Freire

  • This essay is a work in translation. What difficulties or challenges do you think it may present due to this?
  • At the end of the essay, Freire states,
    “In the revolutionary process, the leaders cannot utilize the banking method as an interim measure, justified on grounds of expediency, with the intention of later behaving in a genuinely revolutionary fashion. They must be revolutionary–that is to say, dialogical– from the outset.” (270)
    What do you think Freire means by this statement, and what are its implications for education as a whole?
  • Review Freire again with close attention to how he develops his essay and addresses his reader. Is he practicing what he preaches? How so or not?
  • What lessons might Freire want you, as a writer, to take away with you?
  • How do you think you could integrate those lessons into your writing?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"The History and Future of Literacy" (RoutledgeFalmer)

With all prompts, write your response as a full, flowing paragraph, not as single sentence answers to each question. Feel free to respond to others' responses (again, fully and respectfully). You're welcome to link to resources and sites (if you're not sure how, look up Blogger's help guide or ask!).

Post by 8 p.m. EST 1/29 in order to earn credit.

Before reading this chapter, how did you define literacy? How has reading this chapter affected your definition, and, how does the chapter achieve its goal "to reflect upon some aspects of the history of literacy and to imagine possibilities for its future" (19)? What do you envision for the future of literacy?

(not to answer, just to think about)
  • fifteen years ago, would "lol," "idk," "ruok" have had meaning?
  • what about texting? IM-ing?
  • do you know what a carriage return is?
  • is reading/writing/communicating literacy related to cultural literacy?

Yes, this is only a test.

Had this been an actual blog, you would have been notified.
Feel free to post a comment here in order to make sure that you are posting correctly.